
Hey! 👋 I'm hardworking student passionate about creating and developing the things what making the life easier and enjoyable

Born in Bishkek 23/08/1999,Kyrgyzstan.
Currently living and working at Grenoble,France

I have over 3 years of experience work as a CS student at Grenoble. Currently, I study Data Science features and practicing on Kaggle. Seeking an internship to proof my knowledges and use them in the real world problem. I love to discover the new things and often "I'm getting under the hood" to better understand the principe of its work. I always break down the problem into smaller pieces and work my way up using and learning necessary tools to complete it. For example ,by working on my Digit Recognizer ,I have learned about ML models optimization and GUI programming. I have excellent work ethics and I enjoy solving difficult challenges and learning from them. I am trying to work every day on myself and also forget the definition of procrastination. At hard times I ask myself "If its not you,who else then?"


University Description Years
Polytechnic College of Kyrgyzstan International University Technicien programmer 2015-2018
CUEF Learning French language in UGA 2018-2019
UGA Year 1 in CS Computer mathematics and applications 2020-2021
UGA Year 2 in CS Advanced Computer Science 2021-2020
UGA Year 3 in CS IT methods applied to business management 2022-present time



~My principes and Achievements~

  • Invest in yourself

  • Pursue ideas ,not paychecks

  • Every morning ask yourself,if its not you then its not anyone

  • Every fail is an opprtunity to make yourself better

  • Listen to your heart,but dont forget about reasonebleness

  • You are only human

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    AI self driving Cars

    A self-driving car (sometimes called an autonomous car or driverless car) is a vehicle that uses a combination of sensors, cameras, radar and artificial intelligence (AI) to travel between destinations without a human operator. To qualify as fully autonomous, a vehicle must be able to navigate without human intervention to a predetermined destination over roads that have not been adapted for its use.
    Companies developing and/or testing autonomous cars include Audi, BMW, Ford, Google, General Motors, Tesla, Volkswagen and Volvo. Google's test involved a fleet of self-driving cars -- including Toyota Prii and an Audi TT -- navigating over 140,000 miles of California streets and highways.

    Digit Recognizer based on MNIST data

    The MNIST database (Modified National Institute of Standards and Technology database) is a large database of handwritten digits that is commonly used for training various image processing systems
    Each pixel has a single pixel-value associated with it, indicating the lightness or darkness of that pixel, with higher numbers meaning darker.
    This pixel-value is an integer between 0 and 255, inclusive.

    The database is also widely used for training and testing in the field of machine learning.It was created by "re-mixing" the samples from NIST's original datasets.
    MNIST source

    "Some phrase to seems more productive and attractive :)"

    Ready to work and collaboration.Seeking an internship

    Join or Contact with me :

  • Gmail
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  • Kaggle